Lighting Must-Haves To Trick Out Your Halloween Party

Posted on: 21 October 2015


Halloween is almost here. If you're planning the party of the century—good for you. But are you prepared? The lighting at your Halloween party will set the mood and effectively turn your home a spooky, eerie chamber of other-worldly fun.

Unless you've had a big Halloween bash before or are in the habit of hosting a haunted house in your garage every year, you might be lacking some of the most important lighting fixtures. Luckily, there's still time. The following lights are the must-haves for tricking out your Halloween party.

Colored Lightbulbs

Replacing your standard lightbulbs with colored lightbulbs will help set the tone in your house. Avoid turning each room of your house into a rainbow by trying to keep warm colors with warm colors and cool colors with cool colors. In other words, choose certain rooms of your house to be lit by green lights, blue lights and purple lights. Choose other rooms of your house to be lit by red, orange and yellow lights.

Black Lights

Black lights are most effective when they're kept away from other bright light sources because incandescent lights can wash out the black light effect. Put the black lights in their own area of your home. If you don't think the black lights emit enough light for people to see by, try spritzing the area with clear UV reactive spray. This clear paint will pick up UV from the black lights and add definition to the room.

Flame Lights

Flame lights are usually made from an orange light projected onto a shimmering, flickering cloth. Use flame lights to light dark areas of your house and to cast bouncing, flickering shadows in small spaces, like the bathroom.

Rope Lighting

Rope lighting is attractive and can also be made functional because it helps set boundaries at your party. Use rope lighting to mark a path in your yard and direct guests to the right entrance. To help guests stay inbounds once at your party, use the rope lighting to mark doorways that are not to be entered with a giant X.

Club Lighting with Strobes

This is the icing on the cake, and a must-have for the dance floor. Install your club lighting next to the sound system and create a club-like atmosphere. Not only will club lighting help keep your Halloween party fun, it also goes hand-in-hand with the overall effect of the other lights at the event. Best of all, cheap DJ lighting can be used all-year round, for any party at any time.